
Child and Family Services coordinates the newborn's adoption into a safe and loving home.


Utah hospital

Birth parents, or someone they choose, safely relinquishes a newborn at a hospital.

Anonymous information

You do not have to tell the people at the hospital your name or anything else. Health information may be helpful for your baby so the adoptive parents are aware of any possible conditions the baby may have or may inherit.

Legal custody

Child and Family Services assumes temporary legal custody of the newborn as soon as they are contacted by the hospital.

Missing child

Child and Family Services will make sure the newborn has not been identified as a missing child.

Paternity registry

Utah Department of Health and Human Services Office of Vital Records and Statistics will do a search within the Paternity Registry for unmarried biological fathers.


Child and Family Services will place the newborn into a safe and loving adoptive home.

Interested in adopting?

Contact Utah Foster Care.

Learn More